Pesticide News

Bushkill Honeybee Swarm Traps

Reduce the need to even use a bee vac by using swarm traps. Our bee vac is by far the easiest on bees and beekeeper, but you can ease the stress even more by proactively setting out swarm traps. There are many options out there for swarm traps, but if ease and less...

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Wildlife Pro Network Beekeeping Podcasts

In remembrance of a good friend Robb Russell, I have archived all the beekeeping podcasts from the Wildlife Pro Network. Although not a beekeeper per se, Robb had a great respect for honeybees and their importance. Robb was the driving force behind bringing nuisance...

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Have customers that think you charge too much?

Here is a video from my good friend JP the beeman that shows the damage that can be done to a dwelling if honeybees are not handled properly. Next time you have a customer who questions your removal quote, feel free to show them this video.

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Report: Pesticide Exposure in Pregnancy May Raise Autism Risk

Pregnant women who live within a mile of spaces where commercial pesticides are applied appear to have an increased risk of having a child with autism, a new study suggests.   The risk that a child would develop autism appeared to be highest for women who lived...

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 Abscond - to depart in a sudden and secret manner, especially to avoid capture. Absconding seems to be a bigger issue in some areas than others. Personally, I can only remember one or two hives absconding in the last 10 years. I have heard from others, especially in...

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Toxins Meant to Kill Pests Can Put Human Health in Danger

Pesticides and household chemicals seep into our skin and filter through our lungs every day. The exposure to toxins meant to kill pests puts human health in danger and those toxins have long been linked to causing cancer. Now, a new University of Missouri study out...

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Why Am I Fat? Four Surprising Reasons

These factors might mean the difference between those who eat without gaining weight ... and the rest of us. Whatever fad diet books tell you, the single most important factor affecting weight gain is the ratio of calories consumed to calories burned. Eat more than...

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Hensel Handle – Sloping Pocket Handle for Hive boxes

Special Thanks to Jim Hensel for sharing this idea, photos, and directions. Background: I am making my own hive boxes. I have researched handles and the choices are as follows: Cleat Dado slot Canoe shaped routed pocket But I wanted something more. I noticed that many...

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Study: Home Pesticides Linked to Childhood Cancer

As if links to Parkinson's disease, diabetes and obesity, cancer, low sperm counts and other reproductive health problems, and childhood developmental problems and diseases were not enough ... or that pesticide residue is common on foods, or that that children are...

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Pesticide Exposure Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

Study: Two common pesticides, when mixed, amp up risk for Parkinson's disease. The risk of Parkinson's disease increases in people who live near farm fields sprayed with a combination of pesticides. A recent study conducted in California's Central Valley found that...

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Can you afford emergency queens?

It's springtime and a lot of folks are eager to expand their apiary by doing splits. Splits are very popular since they are "almost free". Problem is, a good portion of those doing splits use the "walk away" method, because it's easy and cheap, without thinking it...

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Frame spacing tool

I don't like to put frame spacers in my supers because I like to start new un-drawn frames 10 to a super to get the comb drawn correctly. Once the frames are drawn, I reduce them to 9 per super to make extracting easier. I've tried putting 9-frame spacers in some and...

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